Arabic culture in Spain
Almost eight centuries of Muslim presence
Arabic architecture
The history of the Arabs in Spain has left a lasting legacy on Spanish culture. Many monuments that were built during the almost eight centuries of Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula are now recognised as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.
Where are they present?
Muslims had the greatest influence on what is now known as Andalusia, whose name comes from the Arabic Al-Ándalus. Its major cities were the lavish Cordoba, capital of the Caliphate; splendid Granada, seat of the Nasrid kings; and the Seville of the Giralda and the Torre del Oro (Golden Tower). However, this influence would end up spreading throughout practically the entire Spanish territory, as well as to all areas of society, from language and the arts to customs. The Andalusian influence was therefore felt across the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, giving rise to the Mozarabic and Mudejar artistic styles. Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance buildings were enriched with contributions from Andalusian tradition, especially in Aragon, in some areas of Castile and León and in the urban centres of Toledo and Seville.
Influence of Arabic cuisine on Spanish gastronomy
The arrival of the Arabs in the Iberian Peninsula also enriched the population's diet, with the introduction of products such as rice, saffron, sugar, citrus fruits (such as oranges and lemons) and dried fruits. In fact, many Spanish desserts have Arabic origins.
Spanish place names of Muslim origin
In addition to monuments, gastronomy and buildings, the Muslim influence can also be found in place names. Some examples include: Albacete comes from Al-Basit, which translates as "the plain". Almería is an adaptation of Al-mariyat Bayyana, which is a watchtower from which the maritime area of Bayyana was guarded in Arab times. Madrid, the capital of Spain, comes from the Arabic word Magrit, which is related to the term “magra” meaning riverbed. Valladolid is believed to come from the Arabic Balad al-Walid, in reference to the Umayyad caliph Walid I. Did you know that in today's Spanish there are more than a thousand words that come from Arabic?